Whiskers: Tickling My Fancy

13 Oct

You may have noticed a bumper crop of furry-faced young men roaming the city in recent years. Like the “ironic”—or more accurately: sarcastic—mullet, serious facial hair on twenty-somethings seemed at first to be a novelty trend aimed for kitsch and giggles. However, its persistence has us thinking that whiskers may be the newest style with staying power. What’s the appeal, when just a few years ago, the moustache was relegated to creepy uncles, porn stars, and paper-towel lumberjacks?

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I Found Myself…

26 Sep


A Pretty Binding by Caryn Drexl

A quarter century* down, and miles to go…

7 Jul

*Bear with my poetic license, as I realize my 25th birthday was the more accurate marker of my first quarter-century.

Today means so long to twenty-five. It’s been a year of turning seasons in a lot of ways.

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This isn’t about romance.

30 Jun

Passion, yes, but the implication here is different.

Working heard at a reliable job, paving the smooth road to a safe, comfortable future/family/timeshare/401k has some strong arguments in its favor. There’s not a thing wrong with seeking a secure life. This is a path well-trodden by the feet of good people.

But there’s the siren song of the rockier way. A full-time immersive journey into your passion, damning the guarantees of two paychecks a month and plunging headlong into the thing that drives you to wake up and live your days. The organic machine wired between mind and heart, firing synapses and throwing power to your legs and fingers…this is what changes the world. Weighing practicality against zeal and going with the path to your happiness? I think you’ve found enlightenment.

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Take a Picture, It’ll Last Longer.

3 May

I have been peripherally involved with the photography world for about three years. I’ve modeled for various professional and recreational (that’s hobbyist, not hobbiest, folks) photographers and photo artists on a regular basis since sometime in 2007. Fortunately I haven’t really had any delusions or secret romances with the idea of going pro. The biggest draw, for me, is being a part of a creative effort, whether that results in a true art piece, or an interesting editorial story, or just a fun evening with debatable results. I’ve grown to realize that there are ideas percolating that I really want greater control over than I can have solely as the subject of an image. I doubt I would ever have developed this interest without standing on the light-reflecting side of the camera and seeing the unique creative processes each photographer goes through.

Say hello to my little lens.

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